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Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING ANIMAL CARTOON PICTURES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH NARRATIVE TEXTS WRITING (The Case of the 9th Grade Students of SLTP N 2 Demak). Dan Proposal Skripsi Bahasa Inggris lengkap.

The subject of the study is the third graders of the State Junior High School 2 at Demak. The study focuses on the students of IX F which consists of 16 males and 18 females. That class is the best English class.

Dapatkan koleksi 5.500 skripsi super lengkap dan berkualitas mulai dari cover, halaman pendahuluan, BAB I s.d BAB VI, penutup, lampiran, sampai daftar pustaka untuk semua jurusan. Silahkan lihat atau klik di sini.